Algebra 1 Syllabus


Algebra I Course Syllabus


Ms. Rise Kiuchi


class website:


Because it is a foundation for many forms of higher math, algebra is one of the most important fields of mathematics. We will review basic algebraic expressions and equations, integers, and arithmetical operations, and then move on to inequalities, polynomials, properties and equations of line graphs, and sets of equations. We will also study algebra-related problems that may occur in real life, and explore careers that use aspects of algebra.


Textbook & Materials

Textbook: Algebra, Black & White, Happy Math Publishing, Inc., 2011.

Other materials:

•Calculator: Graphing calculators will be provided for students during class time. Students are required to have their own calculators for use outside of class. Students are not required, but are encouraged to have their own graphing calculators.

•Loose-leaf paper, pencil and eraser: Please bring loose-leaf paper, pencil, and an eraser to each class. Please complete all homework assignments in pencil, on loose-leaf paper.

•3-ring binder: Students are required to keep all work in this 3-ring binder 1½-2” thick, as a portfolio. This portfolio will be turned in periodically and will be graded for completeness. Students are not required to bring their portfolios, but are encouraged to bring them, as it will help students to stay organized, and thus help them get a better grade on their portfolio.


Class Format

This class will consist of the following:


What it is and how it is graded


Exercises given and completed at the beginning of class periods. May include group work, previous homework problems, practice test problems, problems from previous chapters or classes, or logic problems. Warm-ups may be collected and graded for completeness and effort up to once a week, at random. These must be added to your portfolio


May consist of lectures, exploratory exercises, learning modules using a calculator or computer, or other activities done to learn new material. Class notes, if taken, may be submitted to a student’s portfolio to enhance the student’s grade. Otherwise, this portion of the class will not be graded.


Exercises completed outside of class, often from the textbook, but occasionally from other sources. Will be collected and graded for completeness at least once a week. These must be added to portfolio.

Group Work

Exercises worked and presented in class as a group, can include warm-ups or homework. Group work grades will be given based upon how well students are able to work and present together, the evenness of each student’s participation within the group, how complete and correct work and understanding of the problem is. Individuals within a group may receive different grades.


Each student’s compilation of homework, warm-ups, notes, and test problems, with missed problems corrected, graded for completeness and level of learning demonstrated.


Exercises completed individually, without help from outside sources, including the textbook, classmates, and the teacher. Graded upon correctness as well as completeness.



Each student’s final grade will be based upon the following:


Weight of grade


10% of final grade


20% of final grade

Group Work

15% of final grade


20% of final grade


35% of final grade



Rules and Responsibilities

Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations as outlined in the school handbook. Additionally, there are three other main rules that students are expected to follow:

1. Respecting others in class: The student is expected to respect the instructor and peers and all times. This means not interrupting other students or the teacher, and being courteous to all members of the class during all activities.

2. Allowing everyone to learn: The student is expected to act in a manner that will not cause disruptions that may prevent other students from learning. Examples of these disruptions may include, but are not limited to: gum chewing, eating, drinking, grooming, or talking about anything that is not class-related.

3. Trying one’s best: The student is expected to show effort in all classwork and homework. This means not skipping problems because they are too difficult, trying to work well with others even if they have different opinions, and trying to participate in class discussions.

Turning in work: All homework must be submitted in a prompt manner. If the student is present in the class, late work is not accepted. In the case of an excused absence, the student is responsible for finding a way to arrange to submit missed work, but in general, the absent student will be given two warnings before late work is no longer acceptable.

Missed class policy: It is the student’s responsibility to find out about and catch up on any missed work. The student may contact me or get the assignment from a classmate.